Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Break it down for me...

1.Making inferences
2.Evaluating reliability
3.Evaluating utility
4.Evaluating claims
5.Comparing and contrasting
6.Constructing Explanations (SEQ)

*Write student friendly definitions of each. “You really understand something if you can explain it to a child.”

1. Read between the lines. The source is telling you something but it's not clearly stated
2. Is it accurate/biased? Who is the author and what relationships does he have with the topic in the source? Does author have an agenda?
3. How useful is this source? Who made it? What does it tell us about the issue? How much can it tell us about the issue?
4. Is the source trying to support a particular view about the issue? What are the alternative claims?
5. Looking at two different sources, tell me what is similar and different.

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