Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where is the logic


I had a test this week. Had to write an email (on paper...) Never mind that we were tested on HOW to write an email (on paper... ^!%#*&!%^#), never mind that it was set up as a situational writing test rather than a test of how we communicate. Never mind that I drove 80 kilometres round trip for an test that could have been administered online.

80 minutes were given. It's a 120 minute class.
Logic - common sense - would dictate you give the test at the tail end of class so that when anyone completes the test in advance, he or she would submit the test and leave.

But NO.... logic was left at the door. Common sense apparently does not rule.
The test is given at the start of the class.

So what are we supposed to do after we complete the test? Wait around for 30 minutes.
A dozen of us stood outside the classroom for 30 minutes waiting...

We enter the classroom and what does the tutor says? Since we didn't get a break we would be able to go off earlier, and we spend the next 10 minutes listening to instructions (that could have been given BEFORE the test) about what to prepare for next week's class.


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